Registration fees are:

  1. for AMASES-AIRO-SIMAI members:
    • Early bird (by July 6) 230 Euro
    • Late (after July 6) 280 Euro
  2. for AMASES-AIRO-SIMAI young members (up to 30 years old)
    • Early bird (by July 6) 150 Euro
    • Late (after July 6) 180 Euro

Please notice that the AMASES conference is reserved to members of AMASES and linked associations (AIRO and SIMAI). Non-members of AMASES, AIRO or SIMAI who wish to participate to the Conference are kindly requested to apply for AMASES membership. The membership fee should be paid directly to AMASES following the instructions on the AMASES site.


The registration is managed by the ICCSA Scientific Association and is available at the following link:
Once in the registration site, click on Sign Up, fill in the registration form, and submit your registration. After the submission of your registration, use the chosen login credentials to Sign In and to proceed with the payment.

Important: Receipts will be issued only to the person/entity actually paying the Conference Fee.

Important dates:
July 6, 2019: deadline for early registration
July 21, 2019: deadline for registration in order to have the communication included in the Programme

43rd Annual Meeting of the AMASES
Association for Mathematics Applied to Social and Economic Sciences
Perugia, September 9-11, 2019